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Rotofluid Hydrodynamic Coupling

Rotofluid K, Rotofluid SCF, Rotofluid DCF

Rotofluid K, Rotofluid SCF, Rotofluid DCF

ROTOFLUID hydrodynamic coupling is a mechanical component designed to transmit torque from the driving part (Motor) to the driven part (Machine) with the sole aid of oil (Force Vector). It mainly consists of a driving part (Pump), a driven part (Turbine), a main shaft, and an alignment coupling.

Rotofluid constant-fill coupling ensures:

  • A “soft”, smoother start-up of the driven machine
  • A reduction of current peaks in the start-up phase
  • Torque reduction
  • Protection of the driven machine in case of a sudden stop

Suitability for use in potentially explosive atmospheres.

Contact us for further information with regard to Rotofluid K, SCF e DCF hydrodynamic couplings